Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Development Policies

By Bullstatix

Free TVs, Laptops are old news when it comes to election manifestos. In its latest manifesto PNDPA alliance has promised one free AC for each family if it comes to power. Development of a nation according to PNDPA does not depend on trivial things like education, equal opportunity etc. but on complicated factors like the ambient temperature. The supporting graph shows how average temperature and per capita GDP of various countries are related.
PNDPA spokes person claims that lower the temperature higher the per capita GDP of that nation, hence providing ACs to all is the natural path towards prosperity. Thorough application of Eyeball Econometrics proves the theory of PNDPA and gives strong support to their free AC program.Their logic is impeccable.
This analysis strengthens our belief that deep insights can be obtained from the use simple tools like two different colored pens and a sheet of paper.


  1. http://www.google.com/trends/correlate/

    This tool should improve your productivity

  2. Thats too mechanical man we decided to go with inner feeling when it comes to statistical analysis...
