Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Why is India Crowded?

By Bullstatix.

In a stunning revelation researchers at super-craponomics have found true reason for India being over crowded. No its not high birth rate... its not average of 4.5 kids per family.. its not low mortality rate(although that would have been an equally surprising finding). It is actually the inefficiency of passport offices in India. Come to think of it, the only legal way of reducing population (unless you seek a legal precedent in Sanjay's methods) is through emigration. So the solution to India's population trouble is simple - privatize passport offices and incentivize them by paying variable fee linked to number of emigrations.


  1. I think this is a simplistic argument. Encouraging emigration is a very 'linear thinking' sort of approach. If you look at it from a systems perspective the landing country would suffer a corresponding increase in population.

  2. I wonder how braind drain will be handled?
